„Successful Aging“ und das gute Leben – normative Implikationen gerontologischer Alterskonzepte
„Successful Aging“ und das gute Leben – normative Implikationen gerontologischer Alterskonzepte.
In: Konstruktionen und Gestaltungen des Alterns. Villach, Kärnten.
(2017): "Successful = Healthy = Good?" - Gerontological Concepts of "Successful Aging" in Germany and their Normative Implications
"Successful = Healthy = Good?" - Gerontological Concepts of "Successful Aging" in Germany and their Normative Implications.
In: "(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities" - 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA). Athen.
(2017): „Google vs. Death“ – Neue Fragen an die Anti-Aging-Medizin?
„Google vs. Death“ – Neue Fragen an die Anti-Aging-Medizin?.
In: Altern zwischen Botox und Demenz. Gerontologie und Ethik im Dialog. Zürich.
(2017): Medizinischer Diskurs und alltagsweltliche Aneignung des Anti-Aging. Zwei Forschungsdesigns zur Analyse einer kulturellen Praxis
Medizinischer Diskurs und alltagsweltliche Aneignung des Anti-Aging. Zwei Forschungsdesigns zur Analyse einer kulturellen Praxis.
In: Altern zwischen Botox und Demenz. Gerontologie und Ethik im Dialog. Zürich.
(2017): Paradoxes of Planning Later Life: Anti-Aging Practices and the Lived Body
Paradoxes of Planning Later Life: Anti-Aging Practices and the Lived Body.
In: Schweda, Mark / Pfaller, Larissa / Brauer, Kai / Adloff, Frank / Schicktanz, Silke (Hg.), Planning Later Life. Bioethics and Public Health in Aging Societies. London, New York: Routledge, S. 191-204.
(2017): Planning Later Life. Bioethics and Public Health in Aging Societies
Planning Later Life. Bioethics and Public Health in Aging Societies.
London, New York: Routledge.
(2017): "Regimes of Hope" in Planning Later Life: Medical Optimism in the Field of Anti-Aging Medicine
"Regimes of Hope" in Planning Later Life: Medical Optimism in the Field of Anti-Aging Medicine.
In: Loffeier, Iris / Moulaert, Thibauld / Majerus, Benoait (Hg.), Framing Age. Contested Knowledge in Science and Politics. London: Routledge, S. 56-69.