industrial relations
IR Multiling
Multilingualism at work
A comparative research project exploring industrial relations in multilingual work environments
In nearly every EU country trade unions and managers are today dealing with a growing presence of workers, both national citizens and migrants, who do not speak and read the national language fluently, or not at all, and who often prefer, when possible or permitted, to communicate between themselves in their own country-of-origin language.
Deutsche Gewerkschaften aus internationaler Perspektive
Deutsche Gewerkschaften aus internationaler Perspektive.
In: Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management, 22 Jg., H. 2, S. 167-177.
(2015): Book review: Holding the Shop Together. German Industrial Relations in the Postwar Era (by Stephen J. Silvia)
Book review: Holding the Shop Together. German Industrial Relations in the Postwar Era (by Stephen J. Silvia).
In: Work and Occupations, 42 Jg., S. 384-386.
(2015): Precarious delegates: irregular forms of employee interest representation in Germany
Precarious delegates: irregular forms of employee interest representation in Germany.
In: Industrial Relations Journal, 44 Jg., H. 4, July 2013, S. 409-424.