Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie; Industrielle Beziehungen; Internationaler Vergleich

IR Multiling

Multilingualism at work

A comparative research project exploring industrial relations in multilingual work environments


In nearly every EU country trade unions and managers are today dealing with a growing presence of workers, both national citizens and migrants, who do not speak and read the national language fluently, or not at all, and who often prefer, when possible or permitted, to communicate between themselves in their own country-of-origin language.

Beteiligte Personen und Institutionen

International and Comparative Industrial Relations. Report on the Annual Conference of the German Industrial Relations Association (GIRA), Erlangen 10.-11.10.2013

The following report summarizes the activities and outcomes of the German Industrial
Relations Association (GIRA) annual conference which was held at the University
of Erlangen (Germany) from 10-11 October 2013. The economic and financial
crisis of 2008 has shown that national systems of industrial relations are getting more
and more interdependent, so this year’s GIRA conference was dedicated to „International
and Comparative Industrial Relations“. The congress was attended by around

Pflüger, Jessica / Holland, Judith (2013): International and Comparative Industrial Relations. Report on the Annual Conference of the German Industrial Relations Association (GIRA), Erlangen 10.-11.10.2013. In: Industrielle Beziehungen, 20 Jg., H. 4, S. 418-421.
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